Welcome to The Home School Connection
The Home School Connection (HSC) is an interdenominational Christian co-operative: families working with families, to provide a variety of academic and enrichment classes for home-schooled students of all ages.
We value one another’s contributions and commit to regular dialogue with each other through members’ meetings and annual surveys. All of our members have the opportunity to directly influence the vision and day-to-day working structure.
We especially support the efforts of families who home school through high school by:
- Giving priority to high school families
- Following a predictable sequence of academics
- Involving families in the planning process and soliciting information about their needs
- Seeking out highly qualified teachers for our classes
- Offering support to high school families
Home School Connection is not a school. Although we offer hundreds of classes with excellent teachers, Home School Connection, the organization, does not provide transcripts, official credits, or mandate the scope and sequence of courses from year to year. We believe responsibility for the learning of each student member ultimately rests with the home schooling family, not with Home School Connection’s teachers or with the organization.